American interested in International Relations grad school at Wits or Stellenbosch, looking for some advice.
Hi everyone, I’m an American that is interested in getting a Master’s degree at either Wits or Stellenbosch in International Relations/Development Studies. I’m not sure what I would write my thesis on exactly, but I’m interested in human rights, refugees, democracy/political development, and environmental issues in an African/Southern African context and how United States foreign policy can help/hurt in these areas. Obviously I need to do some paring down in terms of that, but I’m interested in what some of you may recommend for a graduate student between living in Stellenbosch and Jozi.
A few things about me:
1) I’ve been to South Africa before though just as a tourist, though I did study in Senegal in West Africa as an undergraduate student.
2) I most likely wouldn’t have a car in South Africa as I’d be there for a year and don’t necessarily want the hassle of it. So if I lived in Jozi I’d probably live near Wits in Braamfontein and just walk there.
3) Unfortunately not a big fan of nightlife anymore, I don’t drink anymore due to some other, non-alcohol related health issues and due to my newly acquired anxiety disorder, am not a huge fan of live, loud music, clubbing, etc.
4) I love rugby and played in college, but due to the aforementioned health issues, I would need to be a spectator rather than a player. I’m sure there’s plenty of opportunity in Jozi, but what about Stellenbosch?
Both Wits and Jozi are great schools and I’m sure that both would be a good bet for what I’m interested in, is there anything that I should know specifically about going to school at either of them? Or Stellenbosch/Braamfontein? I also don’t speak Afrikaans or any South African languages other than English, but I am certainly willing to learn!
Anyway, thanks for any input you may have!
Edit: Because it may have an impact on your answers, I am a white male.
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