Wedding Venues in Pretoria?
How is everyone?
Can you please recommend a great wedding venue in or around Pretoria? The location should cater for around 350 people. Cullinan or Bronkhorstspruit would also be an option!
the groom
How is everyone?
Can you please recommend a great wedding venue in or around Pretoria? The location should cater for around 350 people. Cullinan or Bronkhorstspruit would also be an option!
the groom
Hi there,
We recently attended a stunning wedding at Triple K Farms, just outside of Bronkhorstspruit. The venue is beautifully located on a farm. Food was great too! ?
Try give them a shout:
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LikeDislikeWe have a lovely lapa/kitchen for informal wedding and other celebrations. Check out our facebook page, Madikela private game reserve. Fully equipped cottages for your guests and sooooo much more to offer for a memorable function or special event. Children welcome and pet friendly (rules apply)
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