What do you think of the new FNB website?
FNB launched its revamped website on Sunday 14 July, offering a fully responsive design which intends to offer the same functionality on mobile devices and PCs. Yet, many customers have been angered with the change, shaming the new interface as an “epic fail”. Comments on the FNB Facebook page have been flooded with negative customer remarks, ranging from design issues and functionality issues. Even zero balance issues have allegedly been reported.
Yet, few positive comments have also been noted, praising FNB for their innovative thinking.
Thus, are FNB customers just afraid of change, or has it been a bad move from FNB to change its popular online baking website? Will customers indeed “grow on once they’ve explored it a bit more” – as FNB likes to justify…?
What is your experience with the new FNB website and online banking?
The website definatly needs getting used to. Not sure if I will…! Dont like typo, the font looks so bad in Google Chrome!
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LikeDislikeWhat on earth is going on with the FNB online banking!!!??? I know site changes are necessary to improve, but the recent change is not a step forward, it’s ten steps back… Feeling very frustrated.
Absolutely love the new FNB Banking website, it’s new, fresh and defiantly the way of the future. You go FNB for being so bold in doing a complete overhaul, that’s why FNB is the most innovative bank.
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LikeDislikeThank you Natalie Woolmer – Human Resources Business Partner at First National Bank! 🙂
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LikeDislikeEverytime I think about having to log into the new FNB internet banking i wanna cry. If going to the branch wasnt such a time waster that is what I would resort to doing! what a stuff up, can we get the old site back please!
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LikeDislikeIT IS HORRENDOUS! My list of problems is far to long to retype here. A summary would include:
Problems logging in
Having to use a double click instead of a single click in random places
CSV downloads which are either corrupt or even worse, displaying the incorrect information
Proof of payments from last week now have different references to those which were typed in (I have printed evidence of this)
Account balances reflecting the incorrect balance for 3 days
Unable to create new recipients
There are many more 🙁
This is a deal breaker for me and I am moving Standard Bank!
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There are many many things wrong with what FNB has done to their website. Putting all the design changes (and flaws) aside for the moment the most unbelievable two factors are :
there is lost functionality either because it’s just not there anymore
because it’s plain not working.
My own personal example is we download our statements in CSV format to input into our business management software. The CSV has the incorrect running balances and subsequently, and even worse the incorrect balance!
What amazes me about all these glaring flaws is that FNB has taken the stance of “Sorry for you it is what it is!” and their social media manager, one RB Jacobs, has his hands tied with how he can respond.
I also challenged FNB publicly on FaceBook today to come back to me on the CSV issue. My challenge was of course to see how long it would take them to a) respond and b) fix the problem.
On the designs side the glaring flaw to the whole site is your desktop is not your mobile device and your mobile device is not your desktop. I have two 30″ displays, with the old FNB site I could almost get 120 rows of a statement in a single screen. It’s or I should say it WAS great for a “birds eye view”…now I literally am limited to 60 rows and even that is page by page!
Does anyone remember Discoveries roll out of their new site. There was an alternative site which ran for months and asked for feedback on almost every nuance. Take note FNB take note.
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LikeDislikeWhile the new site may be “optimised” for touch-screens and mobile users, it has ruined the experience for desktop customers, especially for business. This dumbed down interface should have never been implemented on the Enterprise platform. It feels like you’re viewing the site through a magnifying glass, which doesn’t help when dealing with large volumes of transactions. Unacceptable! Keep the new process flow if you must, but scale get the desktop experience back to what it once was. One size does not fit all!
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LikeDislikeI. HATE this new FNB internet banking site – I see most comments posted on the FNB Facebook page are also all against it – As the financial director of a companyI unfortunately do not have the time to sit and play around on a Mickey Mouse site to try and get it to work. I am closing my FNB accounts tomorrow and moving everything back to my Nedbank account – I opened an FNB account because of their internet banking but sorry I can’t waste time or be frustrated everytime I need to do banking
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LikeDislikeEverybody knows how scary it is to do online banking, having to double check everything not to make a mistake, and for a normal person like me, not very clued up on computers, it is horrific. Now FNB changed the online banking site, I have to search for hours and click every where to see where I can increase my daily limit (found it) do print a payment confirmation takes forever and uses a lot more paper, and the words run into each other, not professional. I can’t find my card on my account, I want to change the pin – another nightmare. I think of moving my account to Standard Bank.
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LikeDislikeYou are right – banking online does bring a huge risk with it, and we are correct to check and be sure that everything is in order before we hit the “pay” button. The design itself is confusing, it lacks an intuitive hierarchy and worst of all for customers – the site itself is buggy and some people have lost the ability to access paypal accounts and other necessary features. My biggest irritation in all this is I am paying my monthly service fees and all FNB can say is “go watch a demo video”. Nice way to treat customers!
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LikeDislikeApparently this website took two years of development. I’m all for responsive webdesign, scalable on different devices. I do understand FNB’s thinking here, since developing for one platform is a massive cost saver. But implementation is so poor! Cheap graphics and not scalable on all devices. Totally confusing interface. I tried to use the website on my smartphone (would never ever atampt online banking – far too risky). A HTC Desire HD. The website cannot be navigated. It already starts at the “Home” button, that does not work. Credit calculators cannot be operated. And many, many more bugs…
FNB should ask themselves what is REALLY important on a BANKING website. Security, trust and usability should be the first concern. Yet, this website is still full of bugs and not user friendly. All this would be a laughing matter, wasn’t it customers time and money they are messing with!!
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LikeDislikeI could’t agree more! FNB really has lost credibility with this website..
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LikeDislikeMy Paypal account is still missing after 5 days. I am still unable to:
Print legible statements
Add a new recipient (the field is too short)
Pay a recipient without being charged for immediate clearing of said payment
Print a legible payment history
Print a proof of payment on a single page
Find my missing recipients created the day before the new launch
Download and print a correct statement in CSV format
FNB just doesn’t care and I am tired of being told I am stupid and don’t know how to use a computer.
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LikeDislikeI have also been told by FNB that I should go watch a demo video! It’s the most ridiculous and insulting way to be treated. I pay them their fees every month to have a functioning banking site in order to run my finances. How about they listen to the customer for a change?
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LikeDislikeI get the desire for scalability. I am not disputing a need for refresh in design. I think they have done a terrible job of it. It’s not at all pleasing to the eye, and functionality-wise, it is missing the great simplicity of the previous site where you could see the state of your accounts at a glance. From the sounds of it, many are having a very buggy and frustrating time too. It’s unacceptable to unleash a site like this on loyal customers who need to do their banking in a safe and quick manner. FNB need to listen to their clients. We did not ask for this new site, and now that it is here, we do not want it.
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LikeDislikeI miss the simplicity of the old FNB website! I just came back from maternity leave to deal with this frustration,all I want is to print monthly bank statements for our various business accounts buts its impossible with the new website,Im unable to choose the date range like before!!!!! #Disappointing
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LikeDislikeI dislike the look and feel, navigation is all over the place and there is no logical flow. Whilst the functionality is in line with other banking sites the over all feel falls way below an acceptable site. Looks like they tried too hard to focus on the wrong criteria and completely missed the plot. Has the feel of a phishing site.
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LikeDislikeFor a while now I cannot create a new recipient whilst doing online banking, it is so frustrating, everytime I want to pay this particular account I have to do a one time payment, help!! I also preferred the old website, but have got used to the new one, but just lately it has been causing me immense frustration!
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